Sunday, 7 August 2011

Sunrise over Katurah Farm

Painting done in Acrylic of  our Farm - Katurah - that we sold in December, This is the view from our stoep at sunsise.  Incredible sunrises on the farm, I miss them but I definately don't miss having to get up at 5am to see them. 

Sculpture - Cement

And now for something a little different.  This is a sculpture I did a while back in White Cement - in my favorite theme, Dragons but then thats what comes from being Welsh.  This guy now has pride of place on the lounge dresser where he is usually in mortal peril.  He is forever trying desperately to get away from the clutches of a 2 year old. 

Rhino -

Initial sketch for a childrens book in process.


Childrens illustrations - Crocodiles

Childrens Illustrations - Animals

Childrens Illustrations - Out and About